Thursday, September 30, 2004

The Return of the Brain Sucker

TV. How do I love thee? Lost, The Bachelor and Wife Swap. Survivor, The Apprentice and HGTV and more - so much more- DVDs and Playstation. Ahhhh, bliss. I hope you enjoyed your rest at the repair shop my friend, you will be getting the workout of your life in these next few days.

Is it crazy to watch the repairman deliver the circuit boards with clasped hands and a giddy grin?

Considering the fact that said repairman was a minimum of two hours late (between 12-3 p.m. should not mean 5:07 p.m.) and was at our home for an hour and a half (making two phone calls to the office for "now how do you program the vertical to the blank with the whatsit and the hoogy?") And didn't bring the right torque wrench gizmo. And needed my husband to lift the TV. And upon screwing the back on to the TV caught a piece of the towel the TV was resting on which later had to be wrenched out. And had a strange, slightly unbalanced giggle.

Suffice it to say there was alot of eye rolling in the kitchen.

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