Thursday, September 16, 2004

Weird Wednesday

Thanks to Tara for the link!

1. What would happen if you bit a vampire bat? You would avoid garlic bread like the plague and suddenly that beach vacation doesn't look so appealing.

2. Should there be mandatory trigger locks on staple guns? Why or why not? No way, a little something called the constitution baby and my right to bear arms. (or is that bare arms, and really, short sleeves are seriously overprotected) After all if I can get my hands on a sweet AK-47 I ought to be able to add insult to injury with a few well placed staples.

3. Why are most circles round? What do you mean most? I sort of thought that they all were, but whatever.

4. Besides an aversion to circuses, how can you tell if someone has a fear of clowns? The Poltergeist movie freaks the living shit out of them. (Can you tell I have some personal experience here?)

5. How has the fame changed you? It hasn't. I'm still Jenny from the block. I used to have a little now I have a lot. But I know where I came from.

Keeping it going with the J.Lo on number 5. It was just too easy.

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