Sunday, September 12, 2004

Warning - Lots of swearing

I know, I know. There are so many other words I could use besides these. But for christ's sake - none are nearly as satisfying.

Goddammit! My job is oh so simple and yet I have managed to fuck it up.

I work for the town I live in taking minutes for committee meetings. I usually attend the meeting (recording it as a backup while I'm there) and come home and type the minutes from my notes. I haven't had to listen to one of the tapes for something I've missed in about a year. Well, stupid me agreed to take on another committee. I was told they only meet once a year (which come to find out was a fucking LIE) so it would be super easy. Anyway, this group has met twice (in three damn months) on nights that I have a permanent conflict (working for another committee). So the lovely people taped it for me and gave me the tape.

The first time they met, it didn't work for shit. They mumble, cover the recorder with building plans, and generally make life way too difficult for me. I was going to give my notice and let them know that this just wasn't going to work. Before I freakin' know it they've scheduled another meeting and whammo here's the tape. Sure, I say to myself, I'll do it just this once more.

Well I fucking lost the tape. I've looked everywhere. My kids sit at my desk to use the computer and my daughter loves to stack up those itty bitty cassettes. Could it have fallen down into the scary, wiry underneath the desk? Nope. Looked. Could I have grabbed it with some papers (which are generated by the pound when you're working for the town) and thrown it away? Entirely possible. I've lost sleep all weekend over this goddamned tape and I'm sick to my stomache. Shit, shit, shit.

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