Tuesday, September 28, 2004

A blog question

This blogging thing is making me crazy. I've spent much too long trying to get my sidebar back up where it belongs. Sometimes it's the pictures so I deleted the entire posts. Still no luck. Then I shortened the title of the last post and *zoom* back to the top. What-stinkin-ever.

Okay, I have a question and if it requires a super technical answer let me know because I'm not that techno-savvy. I want to be able to post pictures up where my title is. Hard? Please say no. Well, don't lie. But if it's super hard than I'll just stick with what I've got.

And now that I've done the little recommendation thing in the sidebar and even, sadly, updated it already - I've decided that I don't think I really like it. This is only because I've already deleted all of the other links I had. I can't imagine people were clicking on them anyway. Maybe I'll give it a day or two.

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