Friday, May 13, 2005

Me, myself and part of the girlie

Today is also, according to Stemily, self portrait Friday and this is my contribution.

In other news, Sunday is my husband's birthday. What's he getting? Really, I'm asking you...'what's he getting?' as I have no idea. He has no discernable hobbies except fishing and I have no idea what he wants or needs in that regard because he says he's all set. He doesn't take pictures or use the computer or have any huge projects that would require a nice new tool. He's been watching alot of Red Sox baseball, but seeing as decent tickets would set me back between four and five hundred dollars a game is pretty much out of the question.

Less than forty eight hours and my mind is a blank. Crap.

Yesterday I broke with tradition and started planting annuals in my flower beds. Usually we hold off until the weekend before Memorial Day but, as I have issues with patience, I planted yesterday. And wouldn't you know that it was 30 degrees last night and today, the minute you step out of the sun, the temperature plummets by about 20 degrees. Wonderful. Weekend forecast? 55 and rainy.

I just finished my book club choice, The Kite Runner. After last month's choice I could've read the back of a cereal box and declared it fine literature, but this book was excellent. You don't appreciate a really good book sometimes until you've read a really crappy one. I'm thinking my summer reading will consist of 1. - The new Harry Potter book and 2. ) The Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett (Thanks, Terry for reminding me of this one)....any other suggestions?

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