Tuesday, December 06, 2005

That song by Counting Crows...A Long December? Could they add January and February and maybe the first two weeks of March into that somehow?

The husband was laid off this morning.

We live in a tough climate for outdoor workers and his company ususally lays off most of their workforce in November and December. We've been lucky, he's always been kept on through the winters. Maybe not so much lucky, as he's a good, dependable and loyal employee and that probably has more to do with it than luck.

Anyway, first time layoff and by 9:30 a.m. he was pacing. And only asked me 132,145 times what I was doing/going to do/wanting to do.

It's unemployment Thunderdome over here. Two will enter...One will leave. Or something like that.

Anyone need any heavy equipment work done? I know a great operator looking to fill his hours.