Monday, March 21, 2005

Silly Rabbit.

Well, the girlie got her all clear for Wednesday's big surgery. Well, little tiny surgery but still.
I've got the sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach, so that's good. Not.

I haven't been grocery shopping in two weeks. If I don't go tonight we'll be eating the actual cereal boxes tomorrow.

I forgot that I had any responsibilities where Easter was concerned. I thought I just had to show up for dinner at my mother in laws. Damn rabbit. I would love to drop the Easter Bunny story for my son. He so didn't believe last year and then he kind of got sucked back in. He discovered his mother's coping tool. Denial. Don't think about it and it won't be true. There ya go.

Well, this year it's going to take some major work to keep the bunny story going and I want to give in but I'm afraid Santa will pop into the conversation too. And dammit, he's NOT going to stop believing in Santa. EVER. Because that would mean he's growing up and well, he's not. See, excellent coping skills at work here.

Well, I'm off to check out the son's marathon hockey tryout and then to the grocery store. And I guess Target because I have baskets to fill and how often do I get to go to the store with out the kids. Um....never??? Not true. But it's not often enough that's for sure.

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