Friday, March 11, 2005

Ah, the smell of 409 and Endust....

Kate's friend, Productive Girl seems to have paid me a visit.

I am possessed with cleaning. I know it is a temporary affliction because the novelty has already worn off and it's only day two. I am just finding it hard to stop. Where do I draw the line? The kids rooms, those are a must. The kitchen and bathroom also musts. So that leaves the living room and minature play room. Well, the mini play room doesn't have much to clean and I don't want to watch Ray tonight in a sloppy room so the entire house is now under seige.

Alas, I have no lawn to mow but it seems that there will be more shoveling after tonight.

Good gawd, I just wrote alas. You can be sure I do NOT talk like that.

Oh, I'm trying to plan a vacation for next spring. Late spring, like May. We're driving and the in-laws are giving us a week of their time share allotment. Whatdya think - Virginia Beach or The Outer Banks? We've never been to either and I'm wanting beach and husband wants fishing.

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