Monday, July 05, 2004

Weekend in Review

We couldn't have asked for a better weekend. Perfect weather, good food, great friends and family.

Went to a local beach on Friday with the kids. My son caught a huge crab and snail plus two of the hermit crabs we caught committed suicide rather than be put in the bucket we had (they crawled right out of their shells and fell back into the tide pool, 'goodbye cruel world') which we had never seen happen before. My son loves that stuff.

Saturday we went to a marathon 12 hour cookout at my best friends house. She's got a pool and lives on a lake so it was back and forth from the beach to the pool. (Tough lives, eh?) and when it got dark we lit off fireworks and sparklers at the beach.

Sunday we lazied around in the morning and went to the inlaws for the afternoon. They've got a pool too and my sister in law did ALL of the cooking so what could be wrong with that? Today it rained and the kids played and watched a movie and then we all went out and got Red Sox shirts!! Reverse the curse baby!!

Rainy Monday and Legos Posted by Hello

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