Thursday, June 21, 2007

I have a knot in my stomach as today is the day of the first root canal.

Naturally, it's perfectly sunny and warm and there is no place I'd rather LESS be than in the city, waiting to see if my son freaks out in the endodontist's chair. That being said, the drive to and from will actually take longer than the procedure and it's not until this afternoon.

So, I'm off - with our breakfast, to the pond. The boy had a friend sleep over and they're fishing right now. I've got a 850 page book to read for book club and a lawn chair with my name on it.


Amy said...

count down to when it's over and focus on that. This too, shall pass.

And what 850 page books are you reading? I want to know!

blackbird said...

I'll be thinking of you both...

Anonymous said...

a book and a lawnchair sounds so relaxing! i'm thinking about you and the boy. poor guy...i hope it is easy for him!

Mig said...

Ummmm ... and what book would that be????

You know why I'm askin'

Amy said...

How did it go?!?!

Anonymous said...

Think of all the Chocolate milk shakes you get to drink guilt free!!! I have had 5 root canals. Good luck and I'm glad you have a good book to read to keep your mind off of it.