Thursday, October 05, 2006


I am waiting not so patiently for the principal to get back to me about the girlie's bus transportation. Or lack thereof.

My boy went to school with nervous jitters because he had his first real argument turned thrown punch with one of his best friends and I know he's anxious to see how it all plays out. As am I.

We're getting ready for the last of the open houses. I must remember to not plan A THING for the first week in October next year.

I bought the kids their matching christmas pajamas. Corny, I know and every year I wonder how long I can get away with this. Thank god the girlie is a bit of a tomboy - the son would've stopped this long ago had I brought home two sets of Barbie jammies.

I am looking forward to Survivor.

I'm hoping that, if there is some higher power, it's watching over my husband's cousin. He landed in Baghdad this morning to begin his tour of duty.

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