Sunday, June 12, 2005

Two down, four hundred eighty six to go

Well, two thing are checked off the cookout to do list. My boy has been pestering us to have a big party here so he's finally gotten his wish. Albeit it was made under drunken duress, but it's been offically scheduled.

Today was hot and sticky and altogether Augusty. I'm resisting all air conditioning urges. This heat is temporary and the A.C. in the window right above this computer is permanent until we get ambitious in November and take it out. It's damn heavy.

There was much swimming and barbequeing and have I told you how well my kids are getting along? No? Well, they are. We are going on our THIRD week of wonderfully stress free living here at Casa de Jenny. I will wax poetic about this newfound bliss another time ....when it isn't midnight and I have to get ready for the usual Monday Melee.

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