Sunday, June 26, 2005

My present concerns:

1. I've been blogging for a year now. Is it my one year anniversary? Well, yes. Last Friday. In my usual totally absentminded way I forgot all about it. Big deal? No, I just wanted to remember.

2. I was supposed to celebrate Fred's adoptiversary with the kids. Last Saturday. Strrrrike two.

3. I've hated the name of my blog from the minute I chose it.

4. When you're home alone at 1:00 a.m. - your dog growling and barking a few deep, warning filled barks is NOT the most relaxing sound in the world.

5. Finding Neverland. Good movie.

6. I thought I'd be happier that the house is quiet and I'm scheduleless until later tonight. *sigh*

7. My husband brought home a truckload of the most perfect sand box sand ever. There were nine kids in here the other day and this is what they built.

8. Katie Holmes, where are your parents, girl? Could Tom Cruise be ANY more ridiculous? I missed the Today show. Which in itself, isn't news since I don't watch the Today Show, but I read this and thought, "Whatinthehell?"

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