Wednesday, May 30, 2007

I've got it bad

During the boy's lacrosse practice I sat in my car with my iPod playing Tessie and other Red Soxish songs while I read the Surviving Grady book. Again. I cry everytime at the end. The stories about families and grandparents and the long, long wait between gets me every time.

I have a raging case of pennant fever.


The girlie bought lunch in the cafeteria the other day (first time - big news when you're in kindergarten) - a grilled cheese sandwich, chips, pickles and chocolate cake. Hello, Mr. Sodium. This from a school that has mandated that kids must bring healthy snacks from junk - no cookies, cupcakes, fruit roll ups or chips - stuff like that. And really, I'm okay with's pretty much what we do anyway. But then you go and serve a salt filled lunch and top it off with a piece of cake?


And the boy's school? It's in the same district and they sell little debbie cakes and cookies and such to the kids at lunch. And there's no snack restriction. WTF - a little consistency please?


Am behind on the laundry and the vacuuming. Hope it rains tomorrow.


Jennifer said...

I'm just guessing that the teachers enjoy hyper thirsty kids so they get interuppted by bathroom trips and wiggle worms in their seats sering sugar and salt ;)

I don't want it to rain, I want to get my dressers painted.

blackbird said...

if it rains you'll get more laundry and vacuuming done?
I'm guessing this means lacrosse will be canceled?

Amy said...

I think the same thing of school lunches. Supposed to be nutritionally is an every week event, everything is frozen and reheated, it's disgusting at best. But, my little man loves it all (except the ravioli).

I actually got to see the Sox last night and what happens? They lose. I should stop watching. Not that I'm supersticious (sp?) but seriously, when I watch, bad things happen.

Oh, but that said, just to see Veritek...ahhh.....dude, I'll supply the crackers....

Bike Drool said...

Yeah, you never can tell...

Anonymous said...

14 games. Thats a hell of a buffer zone. I won't say more - no one will blame a jinx on me.

Kimberly said...

I think school lunches are like crack. My kids would never eat them and now they can't stop. Good thing summer is around the corner so we can have a proper detox.

Whirlwind said...

One thing I've noticed at my child's school - she goes to a private school, so they are exempt from the ban on junk in the vending machines like the public schools here are. However, after seeing most of the kids throughout the year, there are hardly any overweight kids in her school (about 120 students). And the over weight one's are not very overweight.