Thursday, August 09, 2007

The theme this week is BUSY.

Today we are partaking in an annual pilgrimage. Mecca? For hockey lovers it is.

And to Fairly Odd Mother: Lose his teeth? Again?!? Hopefully you didn't jinx him. Because if you did - I know where to find you, well...on weekends and 95 degree days anyway.

And to Anonymous: The bonding's only for protection, to keep the tooth alive (it would die off easier with the root and dentin exposed, plus he's got a bonus added risk of infection) - it's temporary but has to last for at least four more months. Once the nerve is exposed the root canal is pretty much a gimmie. He's braver than I give him credit for... I know I'd be scared if I were him.

And to everyone: Thanks they do look good, don't they? I still love seeing them.

Askatepurchasing we will go....


True Willow said...

Say cheese!

Caterina said...

Wow, shopping frenzy.

Fairly Odd Mother said...

LOL! Let's hope he keeps those shiny white choppers for good!

Sarah Louise said...

Today I caught myself thinking: ice skating season is soon!! YAY!!