Friday, April 06, 2007

Uplifting and positive?

Is that what I said before?

Yeah, well strike two.

Not really...just being my usual contrary self.

We actually just had a great night out at a friends house. So nice when your kids are all of similar ages, the boys are best friends and you can laugh until you cry.

G'nite now.


Mig said...


I wasn't there ~looks puzzled~

You cannot of laughed THAT hard ...


jenny said...

I know...I KNOW. But we did laugh that hard. The husband invited us over to someone else's house (as we have been on the receiving end of the self invites for months now) and we went and I didn't have to clean or cook or clean. WOOT!

Amy said...

Dang, that's positive right there!!! And as long as you laughed until you cried and not until you pee'd you're doing well! (kleenex is better than carpet cleaner...)

I love Easter, but not for eggs and bunnies. But you knew that already. The whole egg thing? Just a little weird for me. you could have brought the kids to our church, though, as our guest pastor seemed to think it was mighty fine to just ANNOUNCE the whole imaginary bunny thing during his sermon. I'm sure that went over with a lot of parents who were working on minimal sleep from hiding eggs ALL NIGHT LONG. Yeah, way to bring in the masses.