Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Well, this was the weekend of the hockey team cookout. It turned out kind of small (25 guests) and totally managable. We spent the bulk of the time at the pond watching the kids swim and a few suckers, um, dads paddleboat a slew of kids around. They have named it Camp *Insert our Last Name Here* . I always get a kick out of kids who cannot get over the fact that we live here year round, with swimming and fishing and canoeing and ice skating and such. Kids sometimes wake me up to what I know but tend to forget. We really do have it good.

The new Harry Potter came in the mail yesterday. I won't start it for awhile, a few months at least. She takes a long time to write these damn things so I feel like, why rush out to read it, you just have to wait longer for the next book.

I've got my ticket for Opening Night of the Patriot's Season. I cannot believe I'm going. I only had to sell ONE of my kids to afford the ticket and if they win another Super Bowl I still have a spare to sell for next year's home opener.

Well, off to the library for the summer reading program check in. We're up to the Free Mini-Golf passes. Which is what my son has been aiming for. I have a feeling we won't get much further.

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