Monday, March 14, 2005


Ugh. Sick Patrol again. This time it's the girl. Cough, Fever, ThrowUp. Repeat.

How many times can someone watch the SpongeBob Squarepants movie without their brain turning to jelly?

Productive woman has gone over to Tash's. It's 11:05 and I'm still in jammies. I've done laundry, well, I've washed and dried it but it sits all jumbled up in way too many baskets downstairs. Out of sight, out of mind.

Tonight the son is trying out for the A Team (no, not with Mr. T and George Peppard) for next year's season . The hockey A Team. I'm nervous for him. These kids can skate. They skate alot and the coach this year - he's all business. I think he's out of his league a little bit, but he's really wanting to give it a shot so we're letting him. Worse can scenario is that he'd be on the B Team, which he's totally capable of. *Fingers Crossed*

Gah. The office just called. Why is it every piece of paper that gets misplaced somehow become my responsiblity. I work 9 hours a week. And the amount of paperwork in this office is mindboggling. And two other people work out of the same office. Not to mention the people that work for the town that just come in to grab paperwork for site visits and such. Apparently the logic is - if you have even laid eyes on it then you own it. Personally, I don't subscribe to this, but because I'm not there due to the girlie's condition I am now the misplacer in question. Pfft.

Well, I'm off to shower and finish watching Spongebob and Patrick get rescued by David Hasselhoff. Yeah, I know. Jelly.

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